Thursday, October 17, 2013

High School Graduation: Transcripts, Diplomas, Requirements

Transcript Templates:

Transcript How To's: 
I like the suggestion on this website to first check your "state's" graduation requirements.  The other thing that can be helpful is to check your Department of Education weighs courses. Is a full year course worth 5 or 6 credits?  Is a half year course worth 3 or 1?

Professional Help - if you don't want to do it on your own:
The Home Scholar has a webinar to teach you how or they can prepare transcripts for you.

Diplomas to print:

Diplomas and other grad gear to purchase:

High School Courses and Diploma Prep courses:  (Alberta)  (Ontario)

"Accumulated Credits" from Alberta Education for a High School Equivalency Diploma:


A person, 18 years or older as of September 1 of the current school year, who is deficient in the credits needed for an Alberta High School Diploma, and who has been out of school for at least 10 consecutive months, and who wishes to obtain a High School Equivalency Diploma, should apply to the principal of a senior high school in the community. The principal will forward the High School Equivalency form to the Information Services Branch, indicating that the following requirements have been met. All necessary documents should be included with the letter.

Accumulated Credits Listing

The candidate shall obtain 100 school credits as set forth below:
A minimum of 60 credits must be gained through classroom instruction in a school or other institution accredited by or acceptable to Alberta Education (for out-of-province students), offering approved senior high school courses, as follows:
– a high school course in mathematics
5 credits
– a high school course in science
3 credits
– English Language Arts 30-1 or English Language Arts 30-2
5 credits
– one other 30-level course, other than English Language Arts
5 credits
– additional high school courses
42 credits
A minimum of 40 additional credits, which must be earned as follows:
– additional high school courses
– additional approved adult education courses under recognized agencies;  
public colleges, institutes of technology, extension divisions of universities, adult evening classes and/or
– a maximum of 15 credits for maturity, according to the following scale:
     • age 21-24 (inclusive)       5 credits
     • age 25-29 (inclusive)     10 credits
     • age 30 and over            15 credits
– a maximum of 5 credits for extensive travel
– a maximum of 5 credits for extensive reading or private study
After you have received your High School Equivalency Diploma you may need a copy of your official high school transcript. There is a fee for each copy of your transcript. The Transcript Request form is available from high schools, post-secondary institutions, or from
Transcript Unit
10044 - 108 Street N.W.
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 5E6

Phone: (780) 427-5732
Fax: (780) 422-2137

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